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golden donut 2022

What's Next?

Thank you for registering for the 2022 Writers' Police Academy. Your confirmation and purchase data will be emailed to you shortly. Please review your class selections below to make sure you ranked each individual class. If you discover any issues with your registration, please contact us immediately.

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Next Step: Reservations/Airport Information

Airport Information

The airport nearest to the official event hotel is:

Appleton International Airport (ATW)

ATW is just minutes away and the hotel provides a free shuttle.

*The Writers' Police Academy provides transportation from the Red Lion Hotel Paper Valley to the public safety academy in Green Bay, and back.

The Green Bay–Austin Straubel International Airport (GRB) is a 30-minute drive from the official event hotel - Red Lion Hotel Paper Valley in Appleton, Wi.

Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport

*No shuttle service from Green Bay to the event hotel in Appleton.

Email Confirmation

You've sent and paid for your entry. Expect an email from us confirming your submittal.


You'll receive an email from Square confirming your payment.

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